Windows Phone 7.5 Will Be Named " Refresh"

Windows Phone 7.5 Will Be Named " Refresh"

Windows Phone 7.5 Will Be Named " Refresh"

Windows Phone Tanggo has got support from 120 languages, according to division head Windows Phone in Italian, Stefania Duico lays open some interesting details in around platform update that is new name of Windows Phone “ Tango”.
This OS Update change name will be formal become
Windows Phone 7.5 Refresh. This update is not targeted to bring new fitur of the handset, but to add device compatibility low end. The thing will add repair and fitur for the handset.

Windows Phone 7.5 Will Be Named

for handset low end will be modified a few by deactivating some activities of resource is more as multitasking and Live Tiles. As Windows Phone 7 original changes name to become Metro,
Windows PHone 7.5 becoming Mango, Windows Phone Tango to become Windows Phone 7.5 Refresh, and all hopes locates Apollo as Windows Phone 8.

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Posted by: uzly New Mobile Phone Updates, Updated at: 8:22 PM